Saturday, August 14, 2010


Never again.

Never again will I allow myself to be taken for granted. Never again will I put myself in a position where I willfully allow people to take what they can from me, and return only what is convenient for them.

Never again will I put up with being the one that is settled for- I have more to give than most, and if that isn't valued or recognized as meaning more than the perception of others, than fuck it.

Never again will I let what I would like to be overshadow the reality of what is.

Never again will I ignore actions, words, or deeds that demonstrate a casual disregard

Never again will I allow people to act as if I exist for their benefit alone

Never again.

I just realized that I would rather fucking die alone, unnoticed or unmourned, then be treated as a useful fool

Yeah- I want the same things as everyone else, big fucking deal, the universe doesnt exist to cater to my whims.

And so it goes

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